John, Here's Labor's 321 Update – it's what you need to know about what's happening in politics right now and how you can help make a difference by sharing these stories, where you can. If you want to keep receiving this email, then sign up here to stay updated.
This week we take a look at “criminal” behaviour by the federal immigration minister, how the Liberal donor brothers got paid an eye-popping $26.7M above fair value for a dairy in Western Sydney by the NSW State Government. And Craig Kelly’s social method. Let's get into it. 
This week the caucus was fighting Dan disinformation, fighting the in-humane pension freeze. And it’s back to the Future with a Labor version of the NBN. Finally, right? 
Two stories we thought were worth highlighting are firstly the saga of Alan Tudge after this week a Federal Court judge labelled the Immigration Minister's behaviour as "criminal" after he left a Hazara Afghan man in detention despite a tribunal ordering he be granted a visa. Beggars belief.
Secondly, take a closer look at the $26.7M windfall for Liberal donor brothers Tony and Ron Perich. Seems a happy co-incidence that the farm owners had previously fought a compulsory acquisition valuation in the 1990s, also donated a total of $176,600 to the Liberal party since 2002. When they were ready to sell the brothers’ property price was $26.7M above fair value. How does this happen? 
Been wondering why Craig Kelly gets away with the ongoing outrageous assertions on social media and in parliament? Is Scott Morrison gritting his teeth or does Craig Kelly perform an important role for the coalition?
Morrison didn’t want to “get onto what people talk about on Facebook” when commenting on Kelly’s opinions, he is likely aware that Craig Kelly’s Facebook page is more popular than any other member of the LNP. Last week, posts made on Kelly’s page got over 284,000 engagements while Scott Morrison’s page only got 91,000. If you've liked this email and want to get it in the future, head here to sign up to stay updated.
Until next time, Team Labor P.S. John, we can’t risk a snap back to the Liberal agenda of cutting services, suppressing wages and undermining job security. Australia needs a plan for the recovery where no one is held back or left behind. We need your help to protect our society from the Liberals. Will you chip in $5 to help stop the Liberals? |