Dear John,
Thank you to all who joined us for our August Meeting & Wine Tasting! We hope you all had as much of a blast as we did tasting a variety of wines (good and bad) and cheeses (mostly good). The minutes from this meeting are available HERE, and we will be approving both those and the minutes from our Monday, June 1st meeting at our September meeting. Please read these minutes before our next meeting so that we can discuss and approve them quickly.
There are a few things we would like to update everyone on before we meet again toward the end of September:
- The details have been finalized for our MCYD Day of Action, which will be taking place on Saturday, September 14th at 12:00 PM in Boonton. We are thrilled to announce that NJ-11's own Rep. Mikie Sherrill will be joining us as we canvass for Richard Corcoran for Mayor and his four running mates. Waqar Khokhar, candidate for Ward 1 Alderman, is a Young Dem, and this event will be a great way to support the campaign of one of our members while interacting with our wonderful Congresswoman. If you are free next Saturday, we encourage you to join us for this exciting event. Canvassing is without a doubt the most effective form of voter outreach, so we hope to see you all there as we work with Rep. Sherrill to help elect all of the Boonton candidates. Please email us or contact Ore Obiwumi or Erin Byrnes directly if you plan to attend.
- MCYD will be co-hosting a watch party for the 3rd Democratic Debate with MCDC. We have reserved the Montville Senior House from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM on Thursday, September 12th, and will provide light refreshments. For more information, please check our Facbook event page HERE. If you're looking for great company to watch the debate with, then please join us!
- As discussed in our recent meeting, our Summer Fundraiser @ Ramstein Beer was a big success! Thank you to all who helped out with the event and attended. We plan to donate the money we raised from the event to various Young Dems running for municipal office in Morris County or candidates who support Young Dems and the values of MCYD. Candidates will need to fill out an application to be eligible for a donation from MCYD, so as discussed in our meeting an updated version of the questionnare is available HERE. If you have any suggestions or additional questions you would like to see in the application, please let us know ASAP. Our goal is to have the application formally up and running within a week, and have money distributed to the selected candidates by October 5th.
- Dues are due! Now that our Act Blue account is up and running, it's time for us to collect yearly MCYD dues. Dues are only $10 per year and paying them makes you eligible to vote in MCYD elections, approve formal MCYD actions, and participate in special, members-only events. Please pay your dues as soon as possible, either through our Act Blue dues page HERE or in person at our next meeting.
Our next meeting will happen in the 3rd or 4th week of September. Please keep an eye out for further communications in the next few weeks confirming the date and time of the meeting.
Morris County Young Democrats
51 Gibraltar Drive,
Suite 1F
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
United States