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We're Doing This Together

Governor Holcomb shared some BIG news this week. Tomorrow, Indiana is officially going to Stage 5 of the Back on Track plan!

Now, COVID-19 isn't over -- across the state, we still see Hoosiers' health impacted by this virus in a very real way. However, as you know, Governor Holcomb's been looking at the data every step of the way, and the data shows that the actions you're taking are making a clear difference. One thing is clear -- we have done this together.

Indiana’s 7-day positivity rate is continuing to stand around 4 percent, and the number of Hoosiers hospitalized and in need of critical care beds and ventilators is down. We’ve got robust testing available throughout the state. If you're feeling sick, don't hesitate to make an appointment at one of the many testing sites that are available to you. 

As we are set to enter Stage 5, make no mistake that this success is because of your actions. You can read more about Stage 5 here – but in essence, capacity restrictions are lifted at restaurants, shops and fitness facilities as long as social distancing is continuing to be considered. Large events can move forward with input from local heath departments on events larger than 500 people. And local communities can impose more restrictions if their data requires it. 

This is great news as Indiana’s economy continues to bounce back. Indiana’s unemployment rate has dropped to 6.4%, and more Hoosiers are going back to work. 

As Governor Holcomb says, we’re getting back to setting records – and Indiana’s best days are still ahead.

-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: This week, Chairman Hupfer joined the University of Southern California Cybersecurity Initiative for an Indiana online workshop focusing on the importance of cybersecurity. He talked about efforts we've taken, both here at the party and in our elections. You can read more about it here

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Indiana: Back on Track

On Wednesday, Governor Holcomb announced that Indiana is set to enter Stage 5 of the Back on Track plan tomorrow! It is thanks to the actions Hoosiers have taken that have led us to this moment. This pandemic isn't over, but with continued vigilance, we're able to continue the measured, data-driven opening of our state.

Here's a quick breakdown of Stage 5:

  • Continue to maintain social distancing
  • Wash your hands and stay home if you’re sick
  • Events of more than 500 people must receive sign-off from local health department on written plan
  • Full capacity: restaurants, bars and nightclubs (with social distancing)
  • Bar patrons must use seating
  • Personal services and fitness centers may resume normal operations
  • Size limitations removed for social gatherings and meetings
  • Indoor and outdoor venues open at full capacity
  • Nursing homes & assisted living facilities required to offer visitation hours
  • Face coverings still required
Together as Hoosiers, we’ve made it to Stage 5 because of your commitment to our state  – which includes your continued efforts to make smart choices about your health and the health of your friends, neighbors, coworkers and fellow Hoosiers. 
“We ought to be real proud to be Hoosiers in this state… When you think about where we are compared to a lot of other states… We don’t get here by accident. We got here by working together…” – Governor Eric Holcomb

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram


Governor Holcomb: Right to Life Endorsement

Indiana Right to Life PAC this week announced its endorsement of Governor Eric Holcomb for a second term, the only pro-life candidate in the gubernatorial race. The organization recognized Governor Holcomb and Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch’s pro-life leadership and dedication to protecting all human life.

“The sanctity of life is a fundamental right – and in practice we’ve seen it as a fundamental priority of Governor Holcomb’s as he leads our state,” said Mike Fichter, president and chief executive officer of Indiana Right to Life. “Every day he works to protect Hoosier lives, including the unborn and the most vulnerable among us. He’s the only pro-life candidate in this race, and the right person to lead Indiana for another four years. We're proud to give him our endorsement.”


New Ad: We Can Do It Again

Check out Governor Holcomb’s latest TV ad airing statewide, “We Can Do It Again!”

It talks about Indiana's economic records -- we were attracting record job commitments with record wages, we'd reached a record low unemployment rate. But as Governor Holcomb says, we're just getting started -- and we'll hit those records again with new opportunities for Hoosiers.

--> Watch Governor Holcomb's new ad now <--


New Ad: Putting Hoosiers First

This week, Todd Rokita launched his first TV ad of the campaign, focusing on his record of Putting Hoosiers First.

He’s prosecuted criminals, won a Supreme Court cases protecting our elections, stands for Hoosier jobs, fights corruption, defends our Constitution, and stands with our police. He’s the right pick to be our next attorney general.

--> Watch Todd Rokita's new ad now <--

Senators Young and Braun Pledge Support
for Speedy Supreme Court Nomination

This week, both of Indiana’s senators, Senator Todd Young and Senator Mike Braun, pledged to support the speedy nomination of a new Supreme Court justice.

"When this Republican president was elected in 2016 and the American people expanded the Republican majority in the Senate — the expectation of the American people was that should a Supreme Court vacancy arise, that that vacancy should be filled." -Senator Young

“We do control the presidency and the Senate. And I think for the majority of Hoosiers that elected me, they’d be disappointed if we didn’t do it.” -Senator Braun

Victoria Spartz Wins Town Hall Meeting

While unfortunately liberal Democrat Christina Hale has refused all requests to participate in debates, Republican Victoria Spartz clearly won this week’s town hall meeting among the candidates for Congress in the 5th District.

Here’s a statement from her campaign: 

“The contrast at tonight’s Town Hall meeting could not have been clearer.  Victoria Spartz has the diverse experience, proven record and command of the issues to advocate for Indiana’s 5th District in Congress, and help rebuild our economy, lower healthcare costs and ensure all children receive a good education. Meanwhile, Christina Hale proved she is nothing but an empty suit and the hand-picked candidate of Nancy Pelosi.  Hale spewed her scripted talking points and ran from her record of serving special interests and liberal party bosses at Hoosiers’ expense.  Hale is exactly the kind of self-serving political opportunist who will make the mess in Washington worse.”


--> Watch the Full Town Hall Here <--

Upcoming Events

September 26: White County Lincoln Dinner
October 2: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 2: Madison County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 3: Knox County Annual Spot Shoot 
October 3: Warren County Drive-Thru BBQ
October 5: Orange County GOP Annual Fall Dinner
October 7: Kosciusko County Republican Fall Fish Fry 
October 15: Lincoln-Reagan Fall Dinner
October 17: Sullivan County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 17: Gibson County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 20: Steuben County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 24: Adams County Lincoln Day Dinner

October 26: Jackson County Lincoln Day Dinner
Have an event to add? Please email it to [email protected]!

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb advances Indiana to Stage 5 of his Back on Track plan
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch honors Business Women's Day
Senator Todd Young introduces bill to remove bias in military promotions
Senator Mike Braun backs potential SCOTUS nominee and Hoosier Amy Coney Barrett
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski supports the 2nd Amendment
Congressman Jim Banks joins letter regarding violations committed by Planned Parenthood
Congressman Jim Baird thanks Putnam County law enforcement for recovering drugs
Congresswoman Susan Brooks introduces bill to bolster Strategic National Stockpile
Congressman Greg Pence encourages 6th District vets to reach out when in need
Congressman Larry Bucshon announces 
his maternal health bill passed in the House
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth attends Johnson County GOP event

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