Annual Report 2019: The State of Population

Thanks to our members' tireless support and activism, we're making progress towards a more sustainable planet, starting with a stable population. Check out our most recent Annual Report to learn more about the "State of Population" in 2019 and how our programs—made possible by our members—fit into the past year's trends and events.
Announcing Our Fall Speaker Series!
Join us each month this fall to hear presentations from experts on family planning, reproductive rights advocacy, and population trends and dynamics. These engaging and informative sessions will deepen your knowledge of population issues so you can become a more effective advocate. Find information on all of the sessions, as well as links to sign up, on our website. Please note that a few of the sessions still have pending dates—that information will be updated shortly!
PopEd’s Fall 2020 Theme: Why Populations Grow
Over the next two months, PopEd will offer free K-12 lesson plans and other resources focused on one of the most fundamental yet complex questions of demographics—why populations grow. Lessons will cover: how demographers measure population growth rates (including the rate of natural increase and doubling times), how the status of women and girls influences fertility, the role of the Demographic Transition Model in explaining population change over time, and the impact of migration. Read more, and see a sampling of resources available for this theme on the PopEd blog!
Host Communications Manager Hannah Evans for a Virtual Speaking Engagement!

The connections between population growth, health, development, and the environment are complex. They can be difficult to articulate if you don’t spend all day, every day, working on them like we do! Communications Manager Hannah Evans is available for virtual presentations to your class, community, group, or special event. Read Hannah’s bio on our website and contact her about scheduling a speaking engagement!