The Latest News from Citizens for Tax Justice
White House Response to COVID-19 Fails Virtually Everybody
When the president told a cheering crowd Monday that the COVID-19 affects “virtually nobody,” it’s clear he really meant “the wealthy are doing just fine.” He’s not counting the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died or the tens of millions of low- and middle-income households struggling to find employment, put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. It doesn’t have to be this way. Continue reading...
When Jamie Dimon Tells You Not to Tax Something, You Should Probably Do the Opposite.
Jamie Dimon wants us all to know that taxing wealth is a terrible idea because America’s wealthiest would “find a million ways around it.” We agree: tax avoidance is a real problem, but the answer isn't to give up. It's to tax income from wealth the same way we tax income from work. And adequately fund the IRS to enforce the nation's tax laws. Continue reading...
Progressive Tax Policy Has Entered the Chat
Now we’re talking progressive tax policy. The tax plan released last week by Former VP Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris contains a bunch of provisions that would reduce child poverty, raise revenue, and increase fairness in the federal tax code. Continue reading...
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