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What It Takes: Modernizing Government IT to Meet 21st Century Challenges
by Alec Stapp, Michael Mandel, and Elliott Long

The Covid-19 crisis has put a spotlight on how archaic government systems are failing to keep up with the times and handle an unexpected surge of applications for public assistance programs. Cybersecurity threats have demonstrated vulnerability in aging government IT systems. New missions and requirements for government technology capability have shown the limitations of 20th century technology systems and resources for addressing 21st century needs.

The scale of the problem is massive. According to our estimates, federal, state and local governments would have needed to spend an accumulated $316 billion more over the past 20 years to have kept up with the growth of software investment per worker in the private sector. This should be viewed as a lower bound on the shortfall in government IT investment, as this figure excludes hardware investments that also should have been made.

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by Michael Mandel and Elliott Long

The beleaguered economy is far and away most Americans' main concern. Yet Trump recently held an absurd and dangerous 10-point advantage on the issue.


Election-related Lawsuits Go Through Courts as Ballots are Already Cast
by Ahtra Elnashar 

A wave of election-related lawsuits have been filed in swing states as many brace for one of the most litigious elections in American history.

How 5G Will Create 300,000 Manufacturing Jobs in the Next 15 Years
by Michael Mandel

Since the pandemic began, many telehealth regulations have been lifted and we explained what changes should be made permanent, what changes should go, and what additional policies could make care easier to access remotely.

Interactive Calculator: How Much Federal Support Do State and Local Governments Need?
by Brendan McDermott

Social distancing is essential to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, but it also reduces opportunities for millions of Americans to earn a wage or buy goods and services from others. As a result, state and local income and sales taxes that fund education, public safety, and other essential services are drying up. 

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