Amazon Watch, together with local and international organizations, has supported the Indigenous resistance by the Shuar Arutam against large-scale extractive projects such as mining in the Ecuadorian Amazon. These projects have the potential to cause irreversible impacts on the environment, local Indigenous communities, and their culture.
Ecuador's first large-scale mining project, "Mirador," is a tragic example of the damage mining can create on Shuar Arutam territory. Since its inception, the project has caused mass deforestation, contaminated headwaters, displaced Indigenous communities, and it has led to the breakdown of social agreements within the communities because organizational structures have been co-opted.
In recent months, the Canadian mining company Solaris Resources has launched an aggressive public relations campaign in an attempt to coerce communities to allow their extractive project to move forward.
The Shuar Arutam are resisting these strategic attacks by the mining company, but the fight is rigged. They are up against a company with significant economic power and resources. This is why we need international solidarity for their cause and to amplify their campaign.