Quick update from Don.

As our campaign heads towards October, I wanted to get you some updates on where we are today. Also, send a reply to this email and I will mail you a free bumper sticker.

Have you looked at the campaign website www.DonBlankenship.com  recently?  
Support the campaign at our secure donation page that can take credit/debit cards, checks, PayPal, and even Apple Pay.
Visit the webpage

Check out our social media

You have probably also noticed that updates on Facebook and Twitter are hitting the pages daily.  Take a moment to like both of those social media pages and share them with your friends.

See our videos

Check out the latest videos on our webpage, including with WLOX TV on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. You can also read stories on the campaign such as the Newsweek poll that showed America wants a viable third party like the Constitution Party.

Ballot access

Thanks to all of the state organizations of the Constitution Party for working so diligently getting us on the ballot in all 50 states. We will soon be announcing that we have a path to 270 electoral votes.  

Wisconsin Public Radio

Don will spend 30 minutes on Wisconsin Public Radio this upcoming Wednesday.  If you have a radio show that you think would be ideal for me to be on shoot an email to [email protected] and give us a lead for us to follow up on.  We welcome your suggestions. 

A Third Way

Lastly, thanks to you for recognizing that Republicans and Democrats care more about petty partisan politics than actually governing America towards a more vibrant future.  As we show voters that there is a “Third Way” to lead America to secure our nation for our posterity, I ask for you to continue in your efforts for this campaign.  We need you!!

We need your support!! All dollars are appreciated.  And don't forget to go to our online store to get bumper stickers, yard signs, and an autographed copy of my book “Obama’s Deadliest Cover Up”.  I thank you for your most generous support of our efforts.
Donate Now
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PO Box 1757
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