Weekly Reads
"[F]acing unparalleled disasters nationally and internationally, can philanthropy demonstrate the courage to name these natural events for what they are – as proof of how climate change exacerbates natural disasters – and then act accordingly to meet short-term, immediate needs while also strategically investing in solutions? [more]
– Regine Webster, Center for Disaster Philanthropy
“To ensure philanthropic commitments make a difference [to racial-justice work], we have to be clear and transparent in our definitions of whether money is going to advance racial justice; racial equity; diversity, equity, and inclusion; economic development; education, or other needs. And if we aren’t sure of the difference between these things, ask someone who knows, such as organizations led by people from racially oppressed groups that have a long track record of racial-justice work.” [more]
– Nat Chioke Williams, Hill-Snowdon Foundation, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy
“Although many foundations have been quick to post statements and announce commitments related to racial justice, the vast majority of these pledges do not explicitly name the philanthropic approaches and practices that need to be undone in order to shift from transactional to transformational giving.” [more]
– Crystal Hayling, The Libra Foundation, on Center for Effective Philanthropy
"We surveyed 250 foundation leaders and conducted more than a dozen in-depth interviews to assess how the sector is changing in three ways: resourcing, priorities, and internal operations. Across all three, we found shifts in practices yet few examples of increases in power sharing." [more]
– Shifting Practices, Sharing Power? How U.S. Philanthropy is Responding to the 2020 Crises, Council on Foundations