Fox News: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a lioness of the law

As we prepare for what may be the most contentious showdown over a Supreme Court vacancy in history, Elizabeth Slattery takes a moment to review the legacy of a giant in the legal profession.

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PLF’s defense of liberty at the Supreme Court will continue

During her 27-year-career on the Court, Justice Ginsburg heard 11 PLF cases and sided with us six times in 10 wins. While reflecting on her tenure on the Court, Steven D. Anderson also began thinking about something else: How many times has the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court changed since Pacific Legal Foundation’s start in 1973?

Despite the changes that have occurred and will always occur at the Supreme Court, one thing will remain constant—PLF will continue, as it always has, making the case for individual liberty, which is the absolute prerequisite for human flourishing.

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If you care about housing, you should care about property rights

The United States is facing a housing affordability crisis. The cost to rent an apartment or buy a house continues to climb relative to incomes, caused by the lack of housing supply. Until we build more homes, we’re not going to meet demand, and prices will continue to rise without end.

Jim Burling explains why respect for private property rights and an understanding of basic economics are essential in addressing this crisis.

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