Friday, September 6, 2019

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Cherokee Nation Sends First Delegate to Congress

Jaskiran Dhillon and Joseph Pierce, Truthout

Exercising its treaty rights, the Cherokee Nation is sending Kimberly Teehee to Washington, D.C., as its first-ever delegate. Sending Teehee to Congress marks a new strategy in the ongoing fight for survival for Indigenous peoples in the United States and yet another challenge to the U.S. government to start living up to its treaties with sovereign Indigenous nations.
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It's Time for Migrants Facing Deportation to Have Free Legal Counsel

Michelle Chen, Truthout

Widespread outrage over Trump's anti-immigrant crackdown has prompted some city and state governments to step in and provide free legal counsel for detained immigrants undergoing deportation proceedings. Given the arbitrary and opaque nature of immigration courts, a good lawyer is a crucial support in navigating hostile immigration policies, say activists.
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Protests Erupt Outside Fundraiser for Biden Co-Hosted by Natural Gas Executives

Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

Dozens of environmentalists gathered outside the New York home of investment banker David Solomon on Thursday to protest 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden's decision to attend a fundraiser there. Biden attended the event despite calls for him to cancel it following news of the co-host's deep ties to the fossil fuel industry. The high-dollar fundraiser came just 24 hours after Biden participated in a CNN presidential town hall on the climate crisis.
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We Must Abolish Prisons to Rebuild Communities Fractured by Mass Incarceration

Laura Flanders, Truthout

How do we even begin to dismantle the enormous prison-industrial complex in the world's most incarcerated country? Three people deeply immersed in the prison abolition movement -- community organizer Kerbie Joseph; writer, activist and strategist Kenyon Farrow; and activist Esteban Kelly -- show us how to imagine a world without prisons and jails. We begin transforming society through transforming our relationships with each other, they say.
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The FBI Is Monitoring Immigration Activists as Violent "Extremists"

Igor Derysh, Salon

A recently obtained FBI memo shows that the bureau is monitoring groups that protest the Trump administration's immigration policies as violent "extremists," despite offering no evidence of violence. The memo, which was sent to other law enforcement and government agencies by the bureau's Phoenix office, reflects the agency's post-9/11 overreach in classifying protest groups as terror threats.
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Despite Tiny Carbon Footprint, Bahamas Is Ground Zero of Climate Crisis

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm over the weekend, lingering for days and leaving nearly unimaginable destruction in its path. University of Miami Assistant Professor Erica Moiah James discusses how people who live in the Bahamas have been on the front line of the climate crisis for the last 40 years, despite having a very small carbon footprint in the world.
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Job Growth Slows to 130,000 in August

Center for Economic and Policy Research, Dean Baker

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy added 130,000 jobs in August -- down from an average of 173,000 over the last 12 months. Although wage growth has increased slightly, the fall in unemployment attributed to workers voluntarily quitting raises concerns about workers' perceptions of their bargaining power.
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Global Renewable Energy Has Quadrupled Over the Past Decade

Brian Bienkowski, Environmental Health News

Renewable energy capacity has quadrupled across the planet over the past decade, with solar power leading the way, according to a recent international report. While this growth prevented 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions last year, the report cautions that sustained renewable energy progression needs to continue for the planet to avoid the worst potential impacts of climate change.
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In Case You Missed It

Sanders Shines and Biden Crumbles During Epic Town Hall on Climate Crisis

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout

For the first time, the climate crisis was discussed in detail by presidential candidates on live television. During CNN's seven-hour climate town hall, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker's handle on policy details, along with their enthusiasm in imparting them, set them apart from the crowd. But this was Bernie Sanders's home turf, and it showed. Joe Biden, by contrast, had perhaps the worst night of his campaign.
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As Drug War Rages, Most People Who Need Treatment Don't Get It

Mike Ludwig, Truthout

Critics say the Trump administration's continued focus on drug-supply reduction and law enforcement could undermine the public health approaches to the overdose epidemic that the government funnels billions of dollars into every year. While more people are accessing medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction, 84 percent of people in need of treatment for a substance use disorder related to illicit drugs of any kind did not receive it last year.
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