This past spring and summer the Leadership Institute hosted a series of campaign schools across the state
Campaign Activism and Leadership Workshop!
September 16th - 5 PM

Do you want to get involved locally, but don't know what to do or how to start?

Are you a Texas GOP precinct chair, that wants to up your game?

Republican Party of Brazos County has partnered with Leadership Institute to bring a game changing workshop to Brazos County.

Neighboring counties are invited!
Register early, space is limited!

Most elections are lost not because of lack of time, talent, or treasure, but how they executed the resources they had.

Are you prepared for the next round of elections?

What is your plan to recruit volunteers?

To organize your area?

To turn out the vote?

This Campaign Activism and Leadership Workshop will quickly teach you the tools you need to make a winning plan for your campaigns.

Ideal attendees for the Campaign Activism and Leadership Workshop are volunteers, current and potential precinct chairs, elected officials, current or future candidates for political office, campaign operatives, and party officials.

Attendees will learn how to:
• Recruit and manage volunteers
• Organize precincts for voter contact
• Effectively get people to answer the door
• Turn out their voters

Everyone interested is welcome -
Precinct Chairs, those considering serving as Precinct Chairs, those who might want to volunteer, those who want to be better volunteers

•Register early, space is limited
•Brazos and neighboring counties invited
•Program begins at 6:00, optional dinner available

This past spring and summer, the Leadership Institute hosted a series of campaign schools across the state of Texas. This workshop is a continuation of that educational series. The content is different than the previous class, and the previous class is NOT a prerequisite. While the focus is for volunteer and precinct leaders, it is also useful for campaign staffers and party members. Attendees did not have to attend the previous school to benefit from this training. All are welcome to sign up!

NOTE: You must click the ticket link to get your ticket. You will not be admitted at the door without signing up.


Proudly Created by
Farrell Gjesdal Strategy Group; Winning Political Strategies.
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Republican Party of Brazos County, 1640 Briarcrest, Suite 122, Bryan, Texas 77802, United States