Tell your senators to not consider the nomination

Honor her by fighting.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a champion of justice who fought for all of us. Now it's up to us to fight for her legacy — and our rights.

Trump has already told us what his Supreme Court nominee would do: destroy health care access for millions of Americans in the midst of a global pandemic. Devastate our reproductive freedom by gutting Roe v. Wade. Undermine democracy by suppressing our votes.

That's why Justice Ginsburg's final wish was that the next president choose her replacement. Yet while Mitch McConnell can't seem to find the time to provide relief from COVID-19 and the economic catastrophe, he's rushing forward to hastily replace Justice Ginsburg with a third Trump Supreme Court justice.

We cannot let this happen. Voting is already underway, and the people need to decide. Contact your senators now — tell them to not consider the nomination until after the inauguration.

Tell them that we are watching — and we will fight for our Court. We will fight for Justice Ginsburg, for our rights, and for our future.

Add your name NOW.

— The Leadership Conference

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Fight for #OurCourt and Tell Your Senators: No Third Trump Supreme Court Justice
Tell your senators that our rights are at risk. In order to uphold Justice Ginsburg’s legacy, the Senate must not consider a replacement until after the inauguration.
Justice Ginsburg's legacy as a champion of justice for all will live on. She magnified the Supreme Court's importance for millions of Americans, and it would be an insult to her legacy for this president to select a justice he promises will undermine, upend, and unravel our hard-won civil and human rights for generations.

The Senate failed us by rubber-stamping Trump's justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. They cannot fail again. The American people have already begun voting on the president who will nominate the next Supreme Court justice. Under no circumstances should the Senate consider a replacement for Justice Ginsburg until after the inauguration.

Will you contact your senators to demand they fight for #OurCourt and refuse to consider a replacement for Justice Ginsburg until after the inauguration?

We want a Supreme Court that is just and fair. We are united in this fight to make the Supreme Court OUR Court. Our nation is reeling from a global pandemic. We are fighting against state-sanctioned violence and unjust policing. Trump is incapable of picking a nominee who would provide equal justice under law. We cannot let Trump get a third justice who will only jeopardize health care access, voting rights, reproductive freedom, immigrant justice, the rights of working people, LGBTQ+ equality, and more.

In 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demanded that a Supreme Court seat be left vacant for an entire year. By his own standards, no Supreme Court nominee should be considered until after the people have spoken in the November elections. But we know he will try to rush a nomination forward to transform the Court in Trump's image. That is why we must fight.

Advocate, contact your senators today and urge them to fight for #OurCourt. They must refuse to consider any nominee until after the inauguration.

Let's show our senators that the people are watching. Show them that we know just how much is at stake. Show them that Justice Ginsburg's legacy lives on in us, and that we will continue her fight for justice.

Tell your senators that they cannot consider a new Supreme Court justice until after inauguration. This is #OurCourt, not Trump's — and the people must be heard.
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