Join Us for Two Upcoming Conversations About Equity in Public Education and Philanthropy

"How Are The Children? Black Education In The Wake Of COVID"
Part of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's
2020 Virtual Annual Legislative Conference
Saturday, September 26 2020, 11:00 A.M.-11:45 A.M. EDT

First, tune into the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 2020 Virtual Annual Legislative Conference, a leading policy conference on issues impacting Black communities. On Saturday, September 26, Nellie Mae Vice President of Strategy and Programs Dr. Gislaine Ngounou will participate in the conference session "How are the Children? Black Education in the Wake of COVID." Learn more about the CBCF conference and register to attend here.
"We Must be in It for the Long Haul": Black Foundation Executives Request Action by Philanthropy on Anti-Black Racism
Presented by Philanthropy Massachusetts
Moderated by Susan Taylor Batten
Tuesday, September 29 2020, 2:00 P.M.-3:15 P.M. EDT

Then on Tuesday, September 29, join Philanthropy Massachusetts for this virtual conversation that will focus on how philanthropy can take action to combat anti-Black racism. Susan Taylor Batten, President and CEO of ABFE, will lead the discussion, along with Nellie Mae Vice President of Strategy and Programs, Dr. Gislaine N. Ngounou, and President and CEO of the Schott Foundation, Dr. John H. Jackson. Learn more and RSVP here.