Friday, September 25th, 2020

Digital Currency Will Take Away the Independence of Every American

Bill Sardi

The State’s Covid Response Is a Cancer for the Freedom of Humanity

Gary D. Barnett

Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter

Ann Coulter

With Ginsburg’s Death Cue the Last Stand of American Marxists

Thomas Luongo

UK Institutes New Lock-Down, But Is It Based on Faulty Data?

Ben Swann. YouTube Video

Sinophobia, Lies, and Hybrid War

Pepe Escobar

Deutsche Bank Scandal Could Create Greatest Economic Crisis in History

Raul Diego

Huxley’s Brave New World Arrived in 2020

Chuck Baldwin

How I Obtained a Conscientious Exemption From Mask-Wearing at School for My Child

Richard Enos

Boris’s New Covid Restrictions Are Unscientific Mumbo Jumbo and an Exercise in Futility That Will Wreak Havoc on Millions

Peter Andrews

All the Chips Are on the Table Now

Patrick J. Buchanan

How the Government Uses Fear To Control

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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