John –

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Corruption affects nearly every issue we care about, from education to the economy to defense. The media rarely talks about it, at least not in an honest, non-partisan way. So, it's up to us to share these stories with everyone we know.

Every time we share, we reach new people, then they watch, get inspired, and share again. It's how we reach millions of people and build momentum towards national reform.

Share this short and powerful video with your friends and family. It explains the problem of corruption in an easy to understand way.

We can fix corruption, and we don't have to wait for Congress – in fact, we've already started fixing things without them. We passed America's first Anti-Corruption Act in Tallahassee, Florida in November, 2014 and we have passed seven Anti-Corruption Resolutions since last year alone. Now, we're working to pass Acts in two states and more cities by 2016.

By passing city and state Anti-Corruption Acts, we stop political bribery, end secret money, and give every voter a voice. Learn more about our plan at:


We are looking forward to making history with you.

– Josh, Graham, Hayley, Matt, and the entire Represent.Us Team