
Mitch McConnell has never let our democratic process or the will of the American people stand in the way of his dangerous political agenda. Now, as McConnell despicably jams a vote through the Senate to fill Justice Ginsburg's Supreme Court vacancy before Election Day, the threat he poses to our democracy is truly urgent.

The next Supreme Court Justice will decide the fate of Americans' healthcare, reproductive rights, and countless civil liberties. Our nation is being held hostage by this power hungry lack of principle.

We need to do everything in our power between now and November to make sure Amy McGrath defeats McConnell and puts an end to his stranglehold on Senate control – but she needs your urgent support. So please, will you rush a donation now to make sure Amy reaches her $25,000 fundraising goal before midnight tonight?

Rush $5 or more now to make sure Amy McGrath defeats Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, takes back the Senate for Democrats, and protects the future of the Supreme Court.

Here's the state of this high-stakes race: Nate Silver said that Amy has a real shot to win, and polling shows her within striking distance of McConnell. That means Kentucky's Senate seat – and the Senate majority – are within reach for Democrats.

But McConnell has built up a massive $13 million campaign war chest, and he's flooding the airwaves with vicious attack ads to smear Amy. Now, with this critical race tightening in these final weeks, McConnell's special-interest allies have lined up to pour an additional $15 million into an onslaught of attack ads.

Amy absolutely must reach her $25,000 goal by midnight to make sure she has the resources to fight back and shore up the lead in the next 39 days before Election Day, so your support has never been more urgently needed. With the future of the Supreme Court and Senate control on the line, I'm counting on you.

Whether it's $10, $25, or more, rush any amount you're able to give to Amy McGrath today to flip Kentucky's Senate seat blue, break Mitch McConnell's grip on Senate control, and protect the future of the Supreme Court.

I know we can break Mitch McConnell’s grip on the Senate as long as we all do our part. Thank you for doing yours today.


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