Dear John,
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard about the exciting opportunity to help rescue THREE TIMES as many children through the new pro-life Telehealth Care Center in Chicago. What you may not know is that Telehealth Care Centers play a critical role in the National Rescue System that you’ve helped build.
When moms contact the lifesaving Telehealth Care Centers, they are quickly connected to a qualified health professional to provide immediate care. This increases the speed to care for moms in urgent, crisis situations.
After the first call, staff at the Telehealth Care Centers continue to follow up and walk with them every step of the way. They connect moms to:
- government resources,
- prenatal care and education,
- housing resources,
- material assistance, and much more
And all of it is to empower moms with the tools (the hope and help) they so desperately need.
For “Amy,” this follow up and support made all the difference in choosing life for her baby, “Amber.”
When Amy contacted one of the Telehealth Care Centers, she was in an abusive relationship with no end in sight. Now pregnant with his baby, she was overwhelmed with fear that he would use the child to continue the abuse.
During the initial call, Amy was determined to proceed with an abortion. However, the nurse compassionately talked her through the risks of an abortion and offered to help with her physical, emotional, and tangible needs.
In the following weeks, the nurse continued to check in with Amy. And encouraged her to consider the possibility of parenting her child. Still wrestling with the decision, Amy went to an abortion clinic for a consultation. She was given an ultrasound and saw her baby for the first time. As she saw her baby on the screen, she knew she had to choose life – but needed help to do it. Amy then reached back out to the Telehealth Care Center team to ask for assistance.
The staff went to work to connect Amy to the resources she needed – including medical insurance. And months later, Amy gave birth to her beautiful baby, Amber. Amber fought through an open-heart surgery soon after birth but is now thriving with her mom – who remains in close contact with the nurse from the Telehealth Care Center.

Your support is what makes stories like Amy’s possible. And this is why the Telehealth Care Centers are so important.
Now, Planned Parenthood is expanding telehealth services to all 50 states and pushing remote abortions harder than ever before. Without urgent action, moms like Amy in the city of Chicago will not be reached with the message of hope. They will not be given the resources they need to choose life. They will not be shown the amazing love of Christ.
Will you consider giving another immediate gift to help rescue THREE TIMES as many children – accelerating the rescue of more children like Amber?
Chicago urgently needs the help and hope you can provide today. In fact, it is ranked the fourth most abortion-dense city in the nation.
And right now, you can make TWICE the lifesaving impact when you give by September 30.
Thanks to a limited-time Challenge Grant, every dollar you give DOUBLES up to the total match amount of $500,000. That means when you give $50, it automatically DOUBLES to make $100 of impact to reach more moms in need, like Amy, when your gift is paired with the grant.
But you must give by September 30 to make DOUBLE the impact and accelerate the rescue of preborn children from abortion.
Moms like Amy are counting on YOU for the support they need to choose life. Children like Amber are counting on YOU to shine a light into darkness, defend their lives, and give their moms hope. And now more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic, families need YOU to help overcome the challenges they face.
Will you make a lifesaving gift today to give even more families, like Amy and Amber, access to immediate, lifesaving care?
Thank you for caring for families during such a difficult time. And for accelerating the rescue to save even more preborn children. God bless you!
For Life,
Brian Fisher