BREAKING: Joe Biden is up THREE POINTS against Trump in Iowa

Will you help us expand our lead, friend? 

Chip in →


We don’t normally get too excited about polls, but we just had to share this one with you: the New York Times released their latest poll this morning showing that Vice President Joe Biden is leading Trump by three points in Iowa. 

This poll makes one thing clear: all the hard work Iowa Democrats are doing is paying off. It would have been easy to write off our state after 2016, but supporters like you have shown up and put in the work to flip Iowa blue in November -- and now, Iowa is a true 2020 battleground. 

This poll means that we have a real shot at sending Joe Biden to the White House -- but we can’t afford to slow down now. With only 40 days left before this election, every cent counts. Can you chip in $40 right now to help us expand our lead, friend?

Iowa Democrats are organizing up and down the ballot to ensure victory in November – and we won’t stop until Joe Biden is elected President of the United States, we flip the U.S. Senate blue, maintain our House Democratic majority, and take back the Iowa state legislature. 

Imagine it -- a government that invests in working people to grow our economy (and not just those at the top), where our civil rights are respected, where liberty and justice are truly for all of us. That’s what we’re fighting for and we can’t stop now. Will you chip in $5, $20, or $40 right now to help us turn Iowa blue?

Let’s win this thing.

-- Team IDP



Paid for by the Iowa Democratic Party.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee
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