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Dear Friend,
32 bullets. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as they stormed through Breonna Taylor’s house without even knocking first. 32 bullets were fired by police officers as she slept in her bed, murdering her. [1]
The 1 bullet that a police officer is being held responsible for? The one that hit the wall of the apartment. The wall. “Wanton engagement” was the charge for the bullet hitting the wall. [2]
In an egregious miscarriage of justice, showing the deadly effects of structural racism in our policing and criminal justice systems, there were no charges related to the murder of Breonna Taylor. Let us repeat: None.
As an essential worker, Breonna went to work every day standing on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic committed to helping people and being of service. The devastating irony of this is that Breonna survived the pandemic that disproportionately kills Black people, only to have her life stolen by police. [3]
MomsRising stands with the family and loved ones of Breonna Taylor, BLM Louisville, and the Movement for Black Lives in demanding:
The wheels of justice should continue to turn until there has been real accountability for the murder of Breonna Taylor, a young woman whose whole life was ahead of her, until Louisville police murdered her as she slept in her bed. A charge of “wanton endangerment” for firing a bullet into a wall is not justice.
→ Sign on now to demand justice. We cannot let this stand for Breonna.
Breonna should be alive. She should be here with us today. Instead, her life was tragically taken like too many others as structural racism permeates our policing -- and her friends and family have yet to find justice.
Our hearts are with Breonna Taylor’s mom and all those who love her. We will not stop demanding justice, in this case and others, until people in every community are safe.
And please forward this action link, post it on Twitter, and Facebook, and spread the word. Every single voice is needed calling for justice right now. Please, please also double check that you’re registered to vote and make a plan to vote ASAP. The egregious ruling on Breonna Taylor reflects the deadly structural racism which has permeated our policing and criminal justice systems -- and it’s on us to change this with our voices and our votes. We must pass the BREATHE Act [4] and to do that we've got to keep raising our voices and keep voting. This fight is not over.
Thank you for raising your voice,
- The entire MomsRising Team! Amber, Anita, Aryan, Beatriz, Beth, Casey, Christina, Claudia, Diarra, Diana, Donna, dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gloria, Hanna, Jessica, Jordan, Joy, Julia, Karen, Keisha, Kelle, Kristin, Linda, Lisa, Lucerecer, Maggie, Marysol, Monifa, Nadia, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Rocío, Rosie, Ruby, Ruth, Sara, Shanette, Sheila, Sili, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, Tola, and Xochitl
[1] "Fired Officer Is Indicted in Breonna Taylor Case; Protesters Wanted Stronger Charges"
[2] "No one charged in Breonna Taylor's killing; 1 indicted on wanton endangerment"
[3] "Health Equity Considerations and Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups"
[4] The BREATHE Act
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