AEE applauded California Governor Gavin Newsom's new Executive Order putting the state on a path toward a zero-emission future by 2035 and ensuring clean transportation for all Californians. The Executive Order calls for transitioning vehicles to zero-emission by 2035 while continuing its strong progress to electrify heavy-duty trucks and address emissions related to the transportation sector statewide. In addition, the order provides agencies with direction to accelerate the state’s critical infrastructure efforts to align with the newly stated goal. "We applaud the Governor for his call to accelerate the state’s clean transportation progress and for setting the vision for a zero emission future for all Californians," said Amisha Rai, managing director at Advanced Energy Economy. Continue reading the press release here. >
It's All About Jobs: Check Out AEE's New Fact Sheets on Advanced Energy Employment in 2 Key States
Florida Jobs |
Arizona Jobs |
Florida had 182,100 people working in advanced energy in 2019. This represents more workers than in Real Estate (148,084) and triple those working in Agriculture (57,336). Florida advanced energy employment increased 5% last year, more than double the state’s overall jobs growth of 2%. |
Arizona had 69,000 people working in advanced energy in 2019. This represents more workers than those in Schools, Colleges & Training Programs (68,055) and double those in Agriculture & Mining (33,070). Arizona’s advanced energy employment grew 3.5% last year, beating the state’s overall job growth of 2.8%. |
Continue Reading Florida Press Release |
Continue Reading Arizona Press Release |

Voting is our right and our duty as Americans. That’s why at Advanced Energy Economy we are taking some big steps to ensure that this Election Day, and every Election Day moving forward, votes from the clean energy sector count. We hope other organizations, companies, and individuals will join us. In 2020, voting is not an option; it’s a necessity. Join us in showing our friends, neighbors, and elected officials that clean energy votes – and that our votes count.

On the Blog
Texas is the national leader in energy. As the undisputed leader in wind generating capacity with an interconnection queue stacked with almost exclusively wind, solar, and energy storage, and with billions of market potential available for distributed energy resources such as solar, demand response, storage, and electric vehicles, advanced energy is poised to play a key role in accelerating economic recovery, building a more resilient Texas, fostering market competition, and lowering customer electricity bills. Next year, as in all odd-numbered years, the Texas Legislature will meet for 140 days starting on the second Tuesday in January to consider the state’s regular business. The Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance (TAEBA) will be actively engaged in the legislative session, working to expand opportunities for advanced energy in 2021. But we recognize that policymakers need to learn more about the many benefits advanced energy can bring to Texas – and the best time to educate them is when they’re running for office. Continue reading on the blog here. >
The decline of coal has been well documented over the last decade, as it has gone from the majority electricity resource in the United States to less than a third of current power generation. At the same time, there have been many policy attempts to stop the retirement of uneconomic coal. For the first two years of the Trump Administration, several attempts were made – including use of the now-famous Defense Production Act – to bail out coal plants across the country. And some state legislatures – most notably in Indiana – have tried to keep utilities from transitioning from coal to advanced energy solutions. Now, the practice of “self-scheduling” coal plants – i.e., running them even when they are not the cheapest resource available for customers – is emerging as a coal-protection mechanism, especially in the MISO and SPP markets. In the first half of 2020, several state commissions, including the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, have begun to more closely review whether utilities under their jurisdiction engage in this practice. In July, Advanced Energy Economy intervened in an Indiana proceeding to argue against Duke Energy Indiana’s self-scheduling practice and teamed up with Berkeley Research Group to show how advanced energy resources can replace these coal plants and save Indiana ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars. Continue reading on the blog here. >
On October 7, AEE and its many partners will celebrate Energy Efficiency Day (#EEDay2020) and we invite you to join us. The goal of Energy Efficiency Day is to bring home the benefits of energy efficiency for companies as well as households. Energy efficiency is a powerful tool that helps businesses and consumers save money, protect the environment by reducing pollution, and stimulate the economy by driving investment and employing over 2 million people. But energy efficiency is now more important than ever, given changes in work, school, and lifestyle driven by the COVID-19 health crisis. Continue reading on the blog here. >
AEE in the News
The Fredericksburg, VA, Free Lance-Star published AEE's Harrison Godfrey's response to an editorial: "As a record heat wave struck California in recent weeks, and grid operators were forced to institute rolling blackouts, Free Lance-Star editors jumped too quickly to blame clean energy resources... In a letter to the governor, the heads of California’s energy agencies have stated point-blank: 'Renewable energy did not cause the rotating outages.' Instead, a complicated series of system and planning failures, which are detailed in the letter, led to the blackouts..." Continue reading the op-ed here>
AEE Webinars
Live on Tuesday, September 29th at 2p ET / 11a PT

Market rules that determine whether and how advanced energy technologies can participate in wholesale electricity markets are largely set by regional grid operators – Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators (RTOs/ISOs). There are seven of them – CAISO, ERCOT, ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, PJM & SPP – and each one has its own set of committees, subcommittees, task forces, etc., to come up with these rules, which have major implications for business opportunities in areas like energy storage, renewable energy, demand response, and more. How can advanced energy companies and others who care about advanced energy growth make sense of, keep track of, and have impact on what’s happening at the RTOs? In this webinar, hear how AEE and its member companies are navigating the arcane world of RTOs and learn how you can follow the action at all seven RTOs – with AEE’s PowerSuite platform.
Tune in to learn all about how RTOs/ISOs can affect your business!
Featured online events
The KEEA/EEA Industry Forum has been re-launched as a virtual event series held from Thurs., Sep. 10 through Fri., Oct. 2nd! Over nine informative virtual events, presenters will explore the opportunities and challenges presented by three energy-intensive industries: Healthcare, Food Services, and Higher Education. This comprehensive look at these critical industries will bring best practices for energy savings and sustainability to the fore. Tickets also grant access to weekly themed happy hours, an attendees-only resource library, and a kickoff plenary from PECO! Check out the agenda and Register Here.
Join AEE and a growing network of companies, government agencies, utilities, and universities among other advocates to showcase the many benefits of energy efficiency as part of the 5th annual Energy Efficiency Day. The message of Energy Efficiency Day is simple: “Save Money. Cut Pollution. Create Jobs.” Primarily a social media event using the #EEDay2020 hashtag, we are engaging media, encouraging agencies to issue proclamations, and getting everyone on board. Sign up as a supporter to have your organization's name displayed, tap campaign materials and share your EE tips, project successes and news. It's free, just like saving energy!