This is a historic moment in organizing and you are a critical part of this movement. Make your first gift to TFN today and receive a free limited-edition sticker as thanks.

Hi John,

This is a historic moment in organizing and we are clear-eyed about the challenges ahead in the final months of 2020.

Activists like you have always been critical to the strength of our grassroots network. As we face ever-more-pressing challenges and threats to our democracy, I'm writing to ask you to fight back with your first gift to the Texas Freedom Network today — we need your support more urgently than ever.

To show our thanks, we're also sending every member of our grassroots network a free limited-edition sticker if they chip in right now. Do you want one? 

At this very moment, just weeks away from the most historic election of our lives, our field team is working tirelessly to reach 1 million young voters in a massive GOTV effort — work that has become even more critical during this pandemic. In the past months, we've seen our state leaders put politics before public health, leading to disastrous consequences. The stakes have truly never been higher and we are fighting every day to ensure all Texans are able to safely make their voices heard at the ballot box in November.

We can't build this movement without you, so we have to ask: Will you chip in for the first time to make an impact in November? Please make your first contribution today to keep up the fight.

It's going to take everything we've got, but if you're with us, I know we'll win.


Kathy Miller
TFN President

P.S. Your special membership gift today will make a tremendous difference in our ability to stand up and speak out for social justice today and in the weeks and months to come.


Support Our Work

TFN is a statewide non-partisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement working toward equality and social justice.

Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624
Austin, TX 78767
United States
Phone: (512) 322-0545
