
Six months ago, I paused fundraising for my potential campaign for mayor. I felt strongly that it was the right thing to do considering all that our city has been going through, including COVID-19, the resulting shutdown and economic pain, and the long overdue national reckoning on race.

Today I'm announcing that I have made the difficult decision not to run. This challenging time has led me to rethink how I can best be of service to this city, and I have come to the conclusion that this is not the right path for me.

I thank everyone who supported my campaign for this most important job. Your passion, knowledge and commitment to our City has inspired me throughout this process and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get to know you.

In the spirit of openness with which I have tried to live my life, I would also add that I have been dealing with some personal challenges over the past few months, namely - depression.

I am sharing this because I know from experience the value of speaking honestly about one’s struggles. I’ve been open about my sobriety, which along with my partner and mother, has been instrumental to me during this difficult time, and my HIV status. I believe it’s important to be open about this as well.

Too often mental health issues are shrouded in secrecy and stigmas, which causes people struggling with these issues to feel alone. I encourage anyone who is experiencing a mental health condition to seek help. I did and I am better for it.

I want to be clear that my decision to end this campaign is not the end of my public life. Far from it. I will continue serving as Speaker of the City Council and working to improve the lives of New Yorkers.

I love this City with all my heart and I believe by working together, we will come back stronger than ever. Let’s continue looking out for one another and fighting for the greatest city in the world.

— Corey