
Public lands should remain in public hands.

I spoke at the Last Best Outdoors Fest in Montana earlier this week about my bill to protect our public lands and preserve access to the outdoors for generations to come. It’s called the Blackfoot-Clearwater Stewardship Act, and I’m going to fight like hell to get it passed.

Will you add your name next to mine in support of my bill? If you believe public lands should remain in public hands, I need you to add your voice on this one.

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Our work right now could not be more important.

The Trump Administration just put a lifelong advocate for selling off public lands in charge of the Bureau of Land Management. That’s the federal agency charged with protecting our public lands.

Montanans and people across the country know our public lands are special places that should be protected, not exploited and sold off for private profit.

I’m going to keep fighting tooth and nail to preserve our public lands, starting with the Blackfoot-Clearwater Stewardship Act.

Add your name now if you agree: we have to protect our public lands >>

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— Jon