No more Gohmert.

Hank Gilbert for Congress


East Texas can’t afford another two years of Congressman Crazy. But here’s the thing: we don’t have to spend another two years putting up with Gohmert’s embarrassing temper tantrums and spineless leadership. Now is our chance to finally get Gohmert gone.

But here’s the problem, we’re facing the LAST end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of this election cycle. This is the most crucial fundraising deadline of our entire campaign.

And falling short of our goal will pretty much guarantee a win for Louie in November. This is it -- it’s now or never. Pitch in $25 or whatever you can to help us make our $75,000 fundraising goal before October 1st >>>

Help us reach our goal and kick Congressman Crazy out of office.

Look, I don’t like asking for money, but this is critical. Every donation will give us what we need to reach out to voters -- and build on our momentum to bring home this win on November 3rd. Let’s do this >>>

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Thanks for your support,

Hank Gilbert

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I’m running for Congress because I believe we need a Congressman who will bring a good dose of East Texas values to the halls of Congress. When I’m elected to Congress, I’ll fight for enhanced funding for rural healthcare, massive student loan reform, and economic policies that make sense for East Texas. - Hank