Senate Republicans issue report on Hunter Biden’s Ukraine business dealings
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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020: When asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election, Donald Trump responded, “We’re going to have to see what happens.” Senate Republicans released their interim report on Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine.
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Notable Quote of the Day ([link removed])
“Joe Biden knows that if he gets a majority of the Catholic vote he’s going to be elected president, so there’s been a very aggressive effort by his campaign to underscore his faith. But if the president’s choice for the Supreme Court is a Catholic mother who, because she believes deeply in her faith, is considered disqualified for the job by Democrats, that puts Biden in a pickle.”
– Matt Schlapp, Republican lobbyist
* Senate Republicans released ([link removed]) their interim report ([link removed]) on Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine. The investigation found that Hunter Biden benefited from using Joe Biden’s ([link removed]) name and his work for a Ukraninan energy company gave the appearance of a conflict of interest. It did not find evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden.
* Former 2020 presidential candidates Andrew Yang and John Hickenlooper joined ([link removed]) Biden’s advisory council on small businesses and entrepreneurship.
* The Biden campaign began airing four new ads ([link removed]) featuring small business owners in Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
* Donald Trump ([link removed]) is holding a Great American Comeback rally ([link removed]) in Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday night.
* When asked on Wednesday if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election, Trump responded ([link removed]) , “We’re going to have to see what happens. You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster. Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very peaceful—there won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control.”
* Howie Hawkins ([link removed]) appeared ([link removed]) on the KDKA Radio Morning Show in Pittsburgh on Wednesday.
* Jo Jorgensen ([link removed]) will campaign in Minneapolis ([link removed]) on Friday as part of her Bus Tour 2.0.
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* CNN: What I learned helping Reagan prepare for the 1980 presidential debates ([link removed])
* FiveThirtyEight: What State Polls Can Tell Us About The National Race ([link removed])
* Politico: ‘Something’s in the water’: Florida Republicans see surge in voter registration ([link removed])
The editorial board of The New York Times endorsed ([link removed]) Hillary Clinton.
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