John --
The newest polls out of Florida show that among currently registered Latinx voters, Trump is ahead!
We know young Latinx people don’t want another four years of Trump. That’s why we need to register more young Latinx voters in Florida who favor a change of leadership and want progress for our country. Will you help us do that right now by pitching in whatever you can?
We probably don’t need to convince you how important Florida is in this presidential election: It could easily decide the whole thing! And it’s always one of the closest races in the country -- in 2016, Trump won it by just 1.2 percentage points, and polls show the presidential candidates are neck and neck again this year.
Bottom line: We CANNOT leave anything to chance in Florida. With less than two months to go until the election, and only 11 days until Florida’s voter registration deadline, we have to shift our registration strategy into overdrive -- TODAY. And we need your support to do it.
Can we count on you to help us register the new Latinx voters we need to make sure Florida goes blue in November?
Thank you,
Your friends at Voto Latino