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The National Secular Society's analysis of the policies of NHS trusts has found that many automatically assume that a Jehovah's Witness will refuse blood products. It has written to the Health Minister calling on hospitals to review their links with the church's so-called Hospital Liaison Committees.
Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has admitted a controversial Hate Crime Bill could lead to "self-censorship", as he announced the bill will now only prosecute those who intended to stir up hatred. NSS CEO Stephen Evans is quoted.
The Justice Secretary said the Scottish Government would make changes to the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill to "balance protection of vulnerable groups affected by hate crime with people's rights to freedom of expression."
The fact that Richard Gamble has won support and permission for the 'Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer' monument reveals something about British religion, says The Economist.
The Vatican has condemned euthanasia in its strongest language yet, calling it an "act of homicide" that can never be justified, in a document issued Tuesday.
Councillors in eastern Poland voted narrowly on Tuesday to keep a motion declaring their town "free from LGBT ideology", as international pressure grows on dozens of Polish municipalities that have made similar declarations.
Democrats might crush Republicans in November. With a 6–3 conservative Supreme Court majority, abortion rights could still be decimated, says Emma Green.
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Note: Yesterday's media briefing suggested a proposed assisted dying bill had been tabled in Northern Ireland. It was instead tabled in the Republic of Ireland.