Thursday, September 24th, 2020

Reminder: CDC Says Facemasks Don’t Stop Covid

Allan Stevo

The Culture War

Doug Casey

Do We Still Have a Constitution?

Andrew P. Napolitano.

Two Possibilities: a US_China-Russia Partnership or WWIII

Matthew J.L. Ehret

In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit ‘Digital Dollars Directly to Each American

Tyler Durden

The End of Reality?

Edward Curtin

Snacks on a Plane – How To Beat Airline Mask Mandates

David Knight

666,666,666 Immigrants

Steve Sailer

Is Evidence Masks Don’t Work Being Purged From the Internet?

Kit Knightly

Assange’s Removal From Embassy Was Coordinated on ‘Direct Orders From the US President,’ Court Told

Mohamed Elmaazi

RFK, Jr., Interviews Comedian J.P. Sears

YouTube Video

Winter Is Coming — How To Stop a Second Wave of COVID-19

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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