President Trump once again made racist remarks at his latest rally.


At his latest campaign rallies, President Trump once again made overtly racist statements about me and his perceived threat of America’s poor on the suburbs. Just see his words for yourself:

"Suburban women, they love me… They don’t want projects being right next to their house... If they get in you know who’s in charge? You know who’s in charge of the program? Cory Booker."

"Cory Booker was the one that was going to lead it...He was going to be the one...He wants those projects to be nice and big."

At this point, he’s not even trying to conceal the racism.

This president continues to paint a bleak picture of an attack on American suburbia by casting low-income families as the enemy. He’s trying to scare people by drumming up fear of the impoverished and those struggling to make ends meet. I can’t think of anything uglier.

Trump continues to attach my name to his fears of encroaching “projects” because he knows I’m an advocate for equal economic opportunity. I believe in and fight for affordable housing, good-paying jobs, quality public schools, and baby bonds for every child to finally address the economic inequality that plagues so many people from birth.

Yes, Mr. President, I believe every American deserves the right to that American dream you speak of, regardless of their race or economic status. My own family achieved it, but only after my parents had to work tirelessly and needed White activists to pose as them in order to buy their home. Had they not challenged the racist system in place, who knows what my life would have been like or if I would be in the U.S. Senate today.

Those are the very systems and barriers that I am working to break down today, so that every child in America has the opportunity to pursue their dreams. If that’s scary to Donald Trump, then it tells you all you need to know about him.

I’ve always believed that we must lead with hope over fear, love over hate.

Trump can continue to spew his scare tactics in an attempt to rile up his right-wing base, but I am confident that together, we the American people will rise above it come this November.

If you’re with me, let’s come together and show this President that his fear-mongering won’t work. Pitch in a grassroots contribution of any amount meaningful to you today to not only support my re-election campaign, but help support Democrats up and down the ticket across the country so we can lead our country into better and brighter times ahead:

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With love, always.

— Cory