Martha McSally.
Thom Tillis.
Susan Collins.

Time and time again these GOP Senators have voted in lockstep with Donald Trump — letting their loyalty to power and dark money come before their promise to serve their country.

Now, their Senate seats are hanging on by a thread in the midst of this Supreme Court fight. The New York Times just released a series of polls from battleground states showing these Senators lagging behind their Democratic challengers!

National Republicans are terrified of losing their majority. Right now, they’re dumping tens of millions into Maine, Arizona, North Carolina, and other battleground states just to stay above water.

John, there’s no doubt about it: we have a real shot at ending the GOP’s stranglehold on the Senate majority and we only need to flip these three seats (plus one more!) to do it. So, we’re asking:

Will you make an immediate donation of $3 (or more!) to help us flip these Senate seats blue this November? With your support, we can ditch Mitch’s corrupt majority and elect Democrats across the country:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We can do this!

— Flip the Senate