Dear John,
I hope you had a wonderful summer!
By now you’ve probably seen children heading back to school; carrying their lunchboxes and backpacks laden with school supplies; and eagerly jumping off the bus, ready to start a new school year. And proud and anxious moms and dads have been taking those first-day-of-school pictures as they hug their children goodbye.
Do you remember what the first day of school was like as a child? Learning where to put your backpack and which desk was yours? Going through the cafeteria line and buying lunch for the first time, making a best friend, or playing on the swings and monkey bars?
The first day of school is special. It is a marker of sorts, measuring growth and the beginning of a new season.
Our family at Human Coalition loves this time of year as well. As we see back-to-school photos posted across social media, we are reminded of the 13,600+ children we’ve helped rescue over the last 10 years. All of them were once preborn children threatened by abortion, but now they are joyfully jumping off buses with their backpacks in tow and heading into school.
However, we are also reminded of the thousands of children whose lives are stolen by abortion – thousands who won’t experience their first breath outside their mother’s womb or live to see their first day of school.

Abortion takes the lives of roughly 3,000 preborn babies each day. That’s the equivalent of 41 school buses pulling up to school – empty.
As you imagine those empty buses lined up day after day, the magnitude of lives lost becomes truly staggering.
That’s why we need your help now. There is an urgent need to reach women who believe abortion is their only option, to extend life-giving care to them, and to rescue their children from the deadly grip of abortion!
During the month of September, we are praying God would help us raise $100,000.
Thanks to a generous family of donors, every dollar donated by partners just like you will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $100,000.
This means every dollar you donate by September 30th, up to $100,000, will be stretched twice as far to serve more moms and rescue even more children from abortion.
This is a great opportunity to honor the lives of children starting a new school year by giving a life-changing gift to Human Coalition.
I pray you’ll consider donating today, so we can reach women who feel like they are without hope, rescue innocent preborn children from the grip of abortion, and restore families to stability.
Every donation helps us in our efforts to extend compassionate care to the next woman and rescue the next child even faster. And with this generous matching opportunity, every dollar we raise carries even greater impact.
Please consider making a donation to invest in the future of preborn children who are vulnerable to abortion. Give them the chance to experience the gift of life, go to school one day, and enjoy all that God has for them!
Thank you for your support, and God bless.