
Climate alarmists keep telling us that the world is on fire. Literally.

For weeks, scary reports have appeared in the media about record numbers of forest fires in Brazil and other countries.

They say it’s proof that global warming is getting out of control.

That we must panic.

That we must pay more taxes and change our way of life to avoid catastrophe.

Well, you know what?

It’s a LIE.

The BBC published a fact check report today. They looked at the satellite data around the world.

The world is not on fire. Actually, the number of fires is lower than it was a decade ago.

You can read it here: “Are forest fires as bad as they seem?

John, all the other parties are using alarmist lies as justification to increase government control over the economy and our lives.

The only party pushing back against this nonsense is the People’s Party.

I need your help to bring back rational debates and common sense to Canada.

Please give $5 today to help us get this message out.

Many thanks,

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