Join us at CND’s Annual Conference!

It’s almost time for CND’s Conference, this year focused on Campaigning in the post-virus world and your chance to help shape our work over the next year and elect the campaign’s leadership.

It’s a critical time, with great progress on the UN’s nuclear weapons ban, the ongoing collapse of the government’s nuclear power programme, and all cards on the table in its defence review. That’s to say nothing of the need to switch military spending to healthcare to beat coronavirus or the threat of a new Cold War between the US and China.

CND members’ input through our democratic structure is how we make sure our campaign is on the right track, so we can forge ahead and rid Britain of Trident and the world of nuclear weapons.

Join CND as a member so your voice can be heard.

Then come on Saturday 10th October to our AGM and Policy Conference, which will take place online over Zoom. Register for free on Eventbrite.

And please join us on the Sunday of the following week, 18th October, for the second day of the conference — we’re spread over two weekends this year to avoid being “Zoomed out”. We will be discussing Real security after Covid-19, with the day hosted by London Region CND; our keynote speaker will be Jeremy Corbyn, there will be a round table discussion on real security, and breakout sessions on security for the many; visions for a green world; creative campaigning and crane making.

Together we have the power to turn the world in a more peaceful direction. Please join us!

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
162 Holloway Road
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