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Dear friend,

Over the past few months thousands of us have signed petitions, emailed our MPs and got involved in the campaign for debt cancellation.  

Now were asking you to go one step further. 

Sign up to meet your MP online

The debt deal that was agreed earlier this year to suspend some developing country debts is running out, but the pandemic is far from over. 

If we don’t act now countries could be plunged into crisis.  

That's why we're organising a way for you to meet your MP online. Meeting your MP and telling them why you care about debt cancellation for the world’s poorest countries is one of the best ways to get them to act, but the coronavirus pandemic has made this difficult.

From 28th September to 14th October, we will be helping you and other constituents “meet” your MP and discuss a simple and effective solution to help fight coronavirus in poor countries: Drop debt. Save Lives

Join together with people in your area

Cancelling all debt payments could save countries $40 billion next year alone. This would make a massive difference, especially as 500 million more people could be pushed into poverty because of the pandemic. 

Your MP can pressure the Chancellor to make an impact ahead of important international meetings, where the UK has a huge amount of influence.

But this starts with you. Will you join the lobby? 

Yes, I will!

If you’re unsure and haven’t done this before, don’t worry – we'll be hands on and helping each step of the way.  

As ever we hope you and your loved ones are well and safe.  

Best wishes,

Eva,Tim, Zak and the rest of the team at JDC.

Copyright © 2020 Jubilee Debt Campaign, All rights reserved.
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PO Box 965
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