John, today marks five years since Dave and Amy Freeman set out to spend one year (366 days!) in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The purpose of spending an entire year in the Wilderness was to raise awareness and help educate others about the threat of a proposed sulfide-ore copper mine on the edge of the Boundary Waters.
Their trip helped elevate our fight to protect the Boundary Waters to a national level. Unfortunately, the fight to protect the Boundary Waters from the proposed Twin Metals mine continues, but the Freemans are still here advocating with us!

Join us today virtually at noon CST, and hear about what Amy and Dave are up to this Fall. You will get a chance to ask them questions about their year in the Wilderness and other adventure advocacy projects during their Instagram live with us today at noon CST!

After their year in the Wilderness, the Freeman’s wrote a book about their incredible adventure. This week, when you buy a copy of A Year in the Wilderness, $5 from each purchase will be donated to the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters. You can also have the Freeman’s write a custom message - just type it in the order notes when you check out!

P.S. Read more about what Amy and Dave are up to on our recent blog. Click here.
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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States