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Transdev fires ATU leader in "Blatant union-busting move"
Metro DC Labor Endorses 4 in DC Council races
Today's Labor History
Today's Labor Quote
Hiring Hall: DC-area union staff jobs!
TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; [link removed] click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
CANCELED: Virtual Phone Bank and Best Practices training session: Wed, September 23, 2:30pm - 4:00pm
To be rescheduled
MD/DC AFL-CIO Labor 2020 phonebank (OH): Wed, September 23, 6pm - 9pm
[link removed] Sign up here
Alexandria Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, September 23, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Contact mailto:
[email protected] [email protected] for the link.
[link removed] Fairfax County Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, September 23, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Special guests Delegate Rip Sullivan and writer Bill Fletcher, Jr.
FILM: Resisterhood: Thu, September 24, 7pm - 9pm
FREE via Zoom; [link removed] RSVP here
Transdev fires ATU leader in "Blatant union-busting move"
ATU Local 1764 reports that Transdev, the company which operates the Fairfax Connector bus service, is back to its old union-busting ways. Transdev has fired ATU Local 1764 shop steward Vance Young in retaliation for his union activities, the union says. Young was first brought up on charges by Transdev after he raised safety concerns about clean buses with a County official, and when the company couldn't justify disciplining him for that, they scheduled an investigative interview during his regularly-scheduled shift. After Young missed the meeting because the company did not relieve him from operating the bus, they fired him for insubordination. "The Union will fight to win Vance's reinstatement and is confident it will prevail," said Local 1764's John Ertl. "This disgraceful conduct by Fairfax County's contractor is a perfect illustration for why public services should not be entrusted to for-profit companies like Transdev."
Metro DC Labor Endorses 4 in DC Council races
The Metro Washington Council on Monday night voted to endorse Ed Lazere, Robert White, Janeese Lewis and Trayon White in their DC City Council races. "This election is pivotal up and down the ballot," said MWC President Dyana Forester. "We must come out in record numbers to defeat Donald Trump and demonstrate the power of workers and elect pro-worker councilmembers here in the nation's capital." Ed Lazere and current councilmember Robert White are running for At-Large seats, while Janeese Lewis George is running in Ward 4 and Trayon White is running for re-election in Ward 8. The MWC and its affiliates will spend the next six weeks working to turn out the labor vote among the 140,000 workers they represent throughout the region. "Now, the work to get a strong slate of pro-worker candidates elected begins and we are energized and committed to winning every office of our endorsed candidates," said MWC Political and Legislative Director David Stephen.
Today's Labor Quote: Cornelius Vanderbilt
"Law! What do I care about the law? Ain't I got the power?"
Cornelius Vanderbilt, the 'Commodore' was the first of the robber barons.
Today's Labor History
This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Escape on the Pearl; Black Labor Week
DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton connects a historic escape attempt by slaves with today's fight for DC statehood; AFGE's Black Labor Week on "Black History, Race and Racism in America," and on [link removed] Labor History in 2: The Fight for Equality in 1830.
Last week's show: [link removed] Labor Day: no picnic in a pandemic
The Workingman's Advocate of Chicago publishes the first installment of The Other Side, by Martin A. Foran, president of the Coopers' International Union. Believed to be the first novel by a trade union leader and some say the first working-class novel ever published in the U.S. - 1868
A coalition of Knights of Labor and trade unionists in Chicago launch the United Labor party, calling for an 8-hour day, government ownership of telegraph and telephone companies, and monetary and land reform. The party elects seven state assembly men and one senator - 1886
A 42-month strike by Steelworkers at Bayou Steel in Louisiana ends in a new contract and the ousting of scabs - 1996
California Gov. Gray Davis (D) signs legislation making the state the first to offer workers paid family leave - 2002
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall
Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; [link removed] click here!
[link removed] Executive Assistant to the National President, AFGE (Posted: 9/18/2020)
[link removed] Administrative Assistant, UA (Plumbers & Gasfitters UA Local 5) (Posted: 9/10/2020)
[link removed] Communications Program Manager, SEIU HQ (Posted: 9/8/2020)
[link removed] Senior Content Strategist, UFCW (Posted: 9/16/2020)
[link removed] Communications Specialist/Writer, ATU (Amalgamated Transit Union) (Posted: 9/8/2020)
[link removed] National Representative I-IV - AFT Organization & Field Services Department (Posted: 9/1/2020)
[link removed] Union Staff, NNU (National Nurses United) (Posted: 9/1/2020)
[link removed] General Manager, TUWDC (Trabajadores Unidos de Washington DC / United Workers of Washington DC) (Posted: 9/1/2020)
[link removed] Crisis Response Director, WRC (Worker Rights Consortium) (Posted: 9/18/2020)
[link removed] Staff Representative, AFSCME (Council 67) (Posted: 9/16/2019)
[link removed] Business Analyst Business Analyst, IUPAT (International Union of Painters and Allied Trades) (Posted: 9/22/2020)
[link removed] Program Assistant, Solidarity Center Middle East and North Africa department
[link removed] Organizer, AAUP (American Association of University Professors) Department of Organizing and Services, (Posted: 9/21/2020)
[link removed] Director - Membership & Organizing Department, AFGE (Posted: 9/14/2020)
[link removed] Union Organizer, AFSCME (Council 67) (Posted: 9/23/2019)
[link removed] Legislative Advocate, NNU (Posted: 9/1/2020)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
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