Democrats are threatening “total war” against President Trump -- even impeachment. On top of that, Democrats raised over $100 million last weekend alone to defeat us.
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Fellow Conservative,


Democrats are threatening “total war” against President Trump -- even impeachment.

On top of that, Democrats raised over $100 million last weekend alone to defeat us.

We need another 5,000 Patriots to pitch in before 11:59 PM or Trump and Republicans will lose.

We’re up against the “Democrats’ Armageddon option” -- that’s why I’ll personally guarantee your gift will be 500% matched if you act now.


500% Match: $500 >>

500% Match: $250 >>

500% Match: $100 >>

500% Match: $50 >>

500% Match: $25 >>

Democrats swore REVENGE against Trump and I’m afraid they have enough cash to carry it out.

You’re the key to stopping the Liberal Mob. Without you, victory will be impossible.

Pitch in any amount and I’ll personally match you 500%.

To victory,

Steve Scalise
Republican Whip


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