Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

Shelley Moore Capito in 2016 (269 days before election):

“Before a Supreme Court justice is confirmed to a lifetime position on the bench, West Virginians and the American people should have the ability to weigh in at the ballot box this November. My position does not change with the naming of a nominee today.” 

Shelley Moore Capito Today (42 days before election):

“I support the choice to move forward with the confirmation process and will consider President Trump’s nominee on her merits as West Virginians would expect me to do. In these trying and polarized times, it is important to exercise our constitutional authority and move forward with the process.”

We knew this hypocrisy was coming, John. Frankly, we’re surprised it took her so long to do a complete 180. We knew we couldn’t trust Shelley to uphold her OWN words. Why? Because she isn’t beholden to the people. She serves McConnell, Trump, and her corporate donors. 

Power over principles, every single time.

Senators like Shelley Moore Capito and Mitch McConnell must be stopped. Please help me flip this seat and let’s retake the Senate six weeks from today. 

We need to raise another $250,000 by midnight on September 30 to reach our goal and keep our state-of-the-art digital outreach program on full blast. Every dollar we raise goes toward phone banking and texting voters. And we have to act fast because absentee voting has already begun! 

John, the 2020 election is already happening in West Virginia. If you’re able, please dig deep now so that all the groundwork we’ve laid for the last year will be worth it.

This is the year we can get control of our future. It starts by robbing the GOP of its stranglehold on the Senate. 

Thank you for all you do for my campaign and this movement.  

Paula Jean




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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

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