Colin and our team are taking every precautionary step to protect ourselves and our families and stop the spread of this virus. To find out what you can do to stay healthy, check out the CDC’s website for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, if you or a loved one are a member of our veteran community, we want to make sure you saw news on Colin’s work to secure a new VA hospital in North Texas.

We know these are tough times for so many families, but we appreciate you staying with us.


I am grateful for the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her pioneering work -- and I, like so many of us, am committed to taking up the mantle she has left for us.

From arguing in front of the Supreme Court to delivering dissents as a Justice on that same court, she fought every step of the way to build a more just country. She keenly saw that, so long as the Constitution treated equity as a favor, rather than a requirement, equity couldn’t exist for women -- or for men. And she demanded that our democracy and government make equity a requirement.

John, we must protect her legacy in order to protect the integrity of the Supreme Court and the values we hold dear. And if you agree with me, I need you to add your name to my call to action: We must not have a confirmation until after the next inauguration.


After the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland to fill his seat, eight months before the 2016 election.

We all know what happened next. Mitch McConnell refused to allow Judge Garland a fair hearing and the Republican-controlled Senate rejected his nomination.

We can’t let them repeat history, John -- not when there is so much at stake in this election and for the Supreme Court.

This fight is about protecting the Affordable Care Act and protections for folks with pre-existing conditions. It's about the right to join a union and organize for fair wages and good benefits -- and it's about upholding Justice Ginsburg's mission for gender equality by protecting the rights of women to make their own choices about their bodies and their health care.

This fight is about the rights and values we hold dear.

That’s why today, I’m asking you to stand with me in ensuring that no one should be confirmed until the American people have spoken and the next president is sworn in.




John, this election is 6 weeks away and we need all hands on deck. 

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Colin Allred is a civil rights attorney, former NFL linebacker, Dallas native, and the proud congressional representative for Texas' 32nd District.

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Colin Allred represents the working families of Texas' 32nd Congressional District. To learn more, please visit
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Colin Allred for Congress
PO Box 601631
Dallas, TX 75360

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