
Over the weekend, the Liberal Mob didn’t waste any time declaring they would shut the country down rather than allow President Trump his constitutional right to nominate the next Justice of the Supreme Court. They showed the country how radical they’ve become.

The Senate Majority is at stake and this will be a confirmation battle, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. 
Over the past few days, Democrats raised millions to gear up for this battle – we have to fight back IMMEDIATELY. At one point, they were raising $100,000 a minute.
The future of our country is on the line. We’re talking about the right to life. We’re talking about our God-given right to defend ourselves and our families. We’re talking about the very things that make us American.

With the election right around the corner, our Republican Senators are going to face aggressive attacks from the left for supporting President Trump’s nominee. We need to match the Democrats now! 
Donate today and protect our conservative champions in the Senate. Stop the Democrats from stealing this nomination from us.
Thank you,

Shannon Golden
Executive Director - Kansas GOP
Paid for by the Kansas Republican Party.
Contributions to the Kansas Republican Party are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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