Tune in for tonight's Turn Up Tuesday.
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Honor RBG's legacy and vote.

On Friday, we lost one of our most ardent voting rights champions. Let's turn our grief into action by honoring her legacy this November at the polls. We owe it to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to vote.

In order to do that, we've all got to register.

Tune in to Turn Up Tuesday, our Facebook live series, at 5:30 PM EDT today, where we'll be talking about all things voter registration. You'll find out how to register, how to check your registration status, and why it's so important for each and every one of us to cast our ballot.

As our country grapples with a confluence of crises, from state violence against Black people to the now empty seat on the Supreme Court, it's more important than ever to be prepared come the general election. Because we're not just voting for a new president — we're voting to keep our democracy alive and our civil rights intact. We're voting for Ruth.

Learn all about voter registration. Tune in today!

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. Be sure to catch our latest updates and get alerts to your mobile device so you can take swift action. Text "civil rights" to 40649 to sign up today.
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