Friend, you and I have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to permanently stop partisan gerrymandering in every state. And this week, we got POWERFUL evidence of how effective our strategy can be.
After the Supreme Court’s disastrous ruling in Rucho v. Common Cause this past June, political insiders were feeling newly emboldened to manipulate district maps for their own gain -- "packing and cracking" voters, and shutting out the competition.
But just this week, we turned the tide in a major way. After months of litigation, we won our North Carolina lawsuit, Common Cause v. Lewis -- forcing GOP lawmakers to redraw their gerrymandered state legislative maps in time for the 2020 elections.
This is our biggest win against gerrymandering since the Supreme Court shamefully refused to address the problem in the federal courts. And, it’s proof that our state-by-state work to END gerrymandering can still get results.
But we can’t stop here. We’re also laying the groundwork to place multiple anti-gerrymandering state measures on the 2020 ballot -- one of our most effective tactics from 2018 that we have no choice but to ramp up again.
Frankly, we can only sustain this intense level of action if generous supporters like you step up in a sustainable, reliable way that ensures we have the resources -- day-in and day-out -- to end gerrymandering of congressional and state legislative districts.
That’s why I’m asking today if you’ll join a special group of Common Cause members and become a Guardian for Democracy. With a small monthly gift of $10, $15, or $25, you’ll help ensure we have the resources we need to keep fighting through the next round of redistricting in 2021 -- and make sure every state has fair maps that give everyone a voice.
Will you step up today and support our fight for fair maps in all 50 states, Friend?
Yes, I want to end gerrymandering for good! Sign me up as a Guardian for Democracy >>
No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly gift right now.
As a special thank you for starting your monthly gift, we'll send you a free copy of former Common Cause Board Chair Robert Reich's latest book "The Common Good" -- if you sign up by Sunday, September 8th!
Here’s just one example from last year’s elections that illustrates why our work is so important: in Ohio, voters are pretty evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. But because of how Republicans drew Ohio’s district maps for their own advantage, they locked in a supermajority in the legislature, once again short-circuiting the will of the voters!
This is what “gerrymandering” is all about. It lets a few partisan politicians lock in an advantage by abusing their control of the redistricting process -- and denies voters like you and me our right to fair representation and a meaningful choice at the polls.
Now that the Supreme Court won’t end this shameful practice, it’s up to us.
That’s why we must immediately ramp up our work in states from coast to coast. We’ve proven we can still win in court, under state constitutions, to throw out illegal gerrymanders.
And, we’re working from the grassroots up to pass citizen-led solutions. And... we have one key advantage: when we let voters themselves decide on fair redistricting directly, we win.
In 2018 alone, Common Cause helped pass groundbreaking anti-gerrymandering ballot measures in Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Utah, and Colorado. Clearly, these victories demonstrate that voters know there’s something fundamentally wrong with letting politicians pick and choose their voters -- and they’re willing to translate their concern into action at the ballot box.
We’re also working on redistricting reforms in states like Indiana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. We’re employing every tool in our toolbox -- from the ballot initiative process, to local and state referendums, lobbying legislatures, litigating, and organizing… wherever and whenever maps are being drawn unfairly, we must respond.
I hope you will play a crucial role in this effort by making sure we have the necessary resources. By becoming a Guardian for Democracy -- and joining this special group of Common Cause members who’ve agreed to make a long-term commitment to our work -- you can help us plan for the future and make sure we can keep fighting for fair districts. Can you please step up today?
Yes, start my monthly gift today >>
No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly gift right now.
Remember: if you become a Guardian for Democracy by Sunday, we'll send you a free copy of "The Common Good" by Robert Reich!
Between now and 2021, we must demonstrate at the ballot box and in state legislatures that partisan gerrymandering has no place in a 21st-century democracy.
It’s time to secure fair maps once and for all. I know we can. I urge you to be as generous as you possibly can by becoming a Guardian for Democracy today.
With thanks for all you do,
Kathay Feng, National Redistricting Director
and the team at Common Cause