From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject I knew something had to be done to protect our election security.
Date September 22, 2020 6:18 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

New Jersey Globe: "House advances Sherrill election security bill"

I am proud to share this news with you: Last week, the House passed a bill I wrote. It takes steps to protect the integrity and security of our elections to ensure all New Jerseyans' voices and the voices of Americans across the country are heard and reflected at the ballot box.

Over the past few years, we've seen irrefutable evidence of outside interference in our elections -- in 2016 and even in the current election.

As a former Russia policy officer for the U.S. Navy, I knew we had to do something about it. Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and when they're undermined, our democracy no longer works for the American people as it was intended.

I'm fighting to protect the integrity of our elections and our democracy, but Washington Republicans want to put a stop to our efforts in Congress. I'm counting on grassroots support to fight back -- if you can, please chip into our campaign for NJ-11 today.

This is a plan to modernize our country's voting infrastructure and harden it against outside threats and interference by:

Greenlighting new research by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Science Foundation on cybersecurity, privacy, and auditing in our elections

Directing technical support to state and local election officials to implement cybersecurity and privacy standards

Requiring reports assessing the findings of NIST and NSF's research

I'm proud that my bill has received bipartisan support because something as fundamental to our democracy as our elections should never be a partisan issue.

I am working across the aisle in Congress to protect our elections and our democracy. I want to continue that work long after November, but I need your help. If you can, please chip in today.

Thank you and take care,


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