Voters begin casting their ballots in two weeks, so we need to ramp up our GOTV operations right now.


Voters begin casting their ballots in two weeks, so we need to ramp up our GOTV operations right now.

We’re already reaching voters with volunteer outreach, digital engagement, and television ads. But, with millions of dollars in outside spending from Abby’s opponent, we need to expand our program — and we need your help to do it.

Can you chip in $10 or $20 right now to help us turn out Iowa voters?


Ned Miller
Campaign Manager


---------- FORWARDED MESSAGE ----------
From: Team Abby
Date: September 17, 2020
Subject: Election Day starts on October 5


With the first ballots dropping on October 5, Iowans will begin casting ballots nearly a month before Election Day. That means we need to start our get out the vote operation NOW.

Can you chip in $10 or $20 today to help us turn out Iowa voters?

Absentee voting and vote by mail are expected to be higher than ever this year, so we’re getting creative with how we reach crucial voters. Here’s what our team is doing to hold this seat:

  • We’re working with volunteers to safely connect with voters across the district by phone and by text so they can hear Abby’s message directly from friends and neighbors.
  • We’re targeting persuadable voters via online ads to make sure they know about Abby’s bipartisan work in Congress and record of fighting alongside this district.
  • We’re running television ads to reach Iowans in the First District to remind folks of Abby’s record of always putting Iowans ahead of politics.

We’re proud of this plan and the work our team is doing. But Washington Republicans are spending $4 million in an attempt to take back this seat — so we need to expand our efforts.

Can you chip in $10 or $20 today to help us re-elect Abby in November — and push back on the millions in outside spending coming into this district?


Team Abby


Finkenauer for Congress
PO Box 1374
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
United States