Weekly Reads
“Much like how trust-based philanthropy advocates for funders to partner in a spirit of service to grantee partners, it equally encourages boards to see their role as partners – both to the foundation’s leadership and to its staff. This can be embodied in seven key ways that invite a more trust-based, meaningful, and joyful approach to serving on a foundation board.” [more]
– Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
“This is the moment to question and rethink all the ways we are involved in the system – all the ways our organizations support and undermine our stated missions. If our goal is to make change rather than just provide help, we need to use everything we have to do it – not just 5 percent and not just 10 percent.” [more]
– Lisa Pilar Cowan, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
"Once again, big philanthropy is acting in ways that undermine radical movements for justice. Instead of answering the call of some of the most marginalized groups in our society, many in philanthropy have cozied up to the corporations that have made life miserable for so many." [more]
– By Erica Kohl-Arenas, University of California, and Megan Ming Francis, University of Washington, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy