It’s National Voter Registration Day, John!

From now through November, RepresentUs is laser-focused on preventing a constitutional crisis by making sure every single American’s vote is counted. But to be counted, first you’ve got to be registered. 

Whether you plan to vote in person or absentee, use today to make 100% certain that you're registered and ready to vote. Covid-19 is putting unprecedented pressure on election offices across the country, so don’t wait – register to vote today.    

Register to vote – or confirm your registration – right now through our Save the Vote hub.

As political corruption erodes our democracy and threatens the integrity of this election, we have to fight back. If Americans vote in record numbers this November, we will send a clear message to politicians, the media, and dark money groups that this country belongs to us – not them. Put simply: By registering – and voting – in record numbers, we demand to be counted. 

And there’s no getting around it: To vote, you’ve got to be registered.

John, the direction of the country and the sanctity of our elections are on the line. With just 2 weeks until voter registration deadlines across the country, don’t let National Voter Registration Day pass you by without confirming that you can vote this fall. 

Our voter registration tool powered by VoteAmerica makes it easy. So register to vote – or confirm your registration today.

Thanks for your work to Save the Vote.


Jen Johnson
Movement Director

P.S. 100% certain you’re already registered? Help your friends and family register as well by sharing our tool on Facebook now.
