
By now we’re sure you’ve seen the news that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away.

Like so many people, we were saddened by the loss of this legal and civil rights icon. Then we became distraught after seeing Republican hypocrisy and the use of her death as an opportunity to put another ultra-conservative activist on the court.

If they are successful in appointing a new Supreme Court Justice, a 6-3 Supreme Court is certain to attack reproductive, civil, voting and labor rights, gerrymandering, health care and environmental protections. 

But we do have a defense - our state legislature. State legislatures are the first line of defense, and in here Michigan we need JUST 4 SEATS to flip our state House. Can you help us elect leaders like Donna who will fight for our shared values?

California, Virginia and New York - all with Democratic majority legislatures - have all passed legislation enshrining environmental, voting and reproductive rights to protect against far-right Supreme Court decisions.

A contribution of $20, $50 or $100 will help Donna as the House Democratic Campaign Chair elect a Democratic majority to pass legislation protecting what we care about.

We already knew that the 2020 election was one of the most important elections of our lives, but with health care, voting rights, and more on the ballot, there has never been a more urgent moment to endure in our fight and win a Democratic majority.

In solidarity,
Team Donna

PS: Can you chip in with $20 for 2020 today?
We hope that you are well and healthy during this very difficult time. We have cancelled our in-person fundraising events until we can meet again safely, which makes email fundraising more important than ever. We know that not everyone is able to financially support our campaign right now, but for those who can, every dollar given will go directly to finding innovative new ways to communicate with voters. We won’t let this virus stop us from making positive change in Lansing, and we hope you’ll stick with us however you can. Thank you for being a part of our team.
Copyright © *|2017|* *|Lasinski for Michigan PAC|*, All rights reserved.
Paid for by the Lasinski for Michigan PAC
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