Dear John, The world lost a hero on Friday. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a leader in the fight for gender equality, LGBTQ+ equality, and reproductive rights. She had an unwavering

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Dear John,

The world lost a hero on Friday. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a leader in the fight for gender equality, LGBTQ+ equality, and reproductive rights. She had an unwavering commitment to the words etched on the Supreme Court: "Equal Justice Under Law," and with every powerful dissent, she brought us closer to that ideal.

Justice Ginsburg's final wish was that she would not be replaced until after the next presidential inauguration. Out of respect for her life's work, and in order to protect her legacy, we must honor this wish.

It is the height of hypocrisy that President Donald Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell want to rush in Justice Ginsburg's replacement with less than 43 days until the presidential election, even though in 2016, Mitch McConnell held Justice Scalia's seat vacant for 293 days, citing the proximity of the upcoming presidential election. He set the precedent then, and we need your help to ensure he follows it now.

Will you help us protect Justice Ginsburg's legacy and honor her final wish? Sign our petition to demand Mitch McConnell not rush through her replacement before the presidential inauguration.

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell have already packed the federal courts with extreme, right-wing judges. In four years, they've already appointed and confirmed two Supreme Court Justices -- as many as President Obama successfully appointed in 8 years.

If Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump replace Justice Ginsburg, the consequences will last for decades. We cannot allow this to happen.

We need to take action now. Add your name to stop Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump from rushing through Justice Ginsburg's replacement.

Thanks for your support,


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