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The trustees of a mosque where children were groomed for terrorism failed to properly monitor an Islamic State sympathiser then attempted to cover up what happened, the Charity Commission has found.
An NHS trust has been criticised for arguing that the family of a seriously ill five-year-old girl are incapable of acting in her best interests because of their Islamic religious beliefs.
The rise – to 33 from 28 the previous year – coincides with another decrease in the number of Islamist extremists held, which dropped for the second year running.
The northern Afghan city of Kunduz is not the kind of place you'd expect to find a radio station run by women, promoting women's rights. But this is precisely what Radio Roshani is, and it's broadcasting today despite several attempts by the Taliban to kill its founder and editor, Sediqa Sherzai.
France's National Assembly (lower house) began hearings this week on a draft law that would prohibit any practice aimed at "curing" homosexuality. The two MPs behind the project hope to submit a final bill by early 2020.
Australia: Religious schools should be required to admit a certain percentage of teachers and students from other religions so children can learn about other faiths, the peak body representing Hindus has told the Morrison government.
A pharmacist has been convicted for having a baby boy circumcised against his parents' wishes. Megan Manson says the case raises alarming questions over our willingness to defend children's bodily integrity consistently.
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